Money, mayhem and the Beast :
Eves, Richard.
Money, mayhem and the Beast : Narratives of the world's end from New Ireland (Papua New Guinea). - Norwich-ENK : Page Bros, 2003. - p. 527-547 - Trimestral - Vol. 9, no. 3, (Sep.2003) - The Journal of the Royal Antropological Institute. Incorporating Man ; no. 3 .
Art¡culo en inglés.
Money, mayhem and the Beast : Narratives of the world's end from New Ireland (Papua New Guinea). - Norwich-ENK : Page Bros, 2003. - p. 527-547 - Trimestral - Vol. 9, no. 3, (Sep.2003) - The Journal of the Royal Antropological Institute. Incorporating Man ; no. 3 .
Art¡culo en inglés.