Indigenous Use and Management of Whales and Other Marine Resources in East Flores and Lembata, Indonesia.
Barnes, Robert H..
Indigenous Use and Management of Whales and Other Marine Resources in East Flores and Lembata, Indonesia. - Osaka-JA : National Museum of Ethnology, 2005. - p. 77-85 - Irregular - No. 67, (2005) - Senri Ethnological Studies ; no. 67 . - Japón. National Museum of Ethnology. .
Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resource. Part 2. Indigenous and Commercial Whaling.
Art¡culo en inglés.
Indigenous Use and Management of Whales and Other Marine Resources in East Flores and Lembata, Indonesia. - Osaka-JA : National Museum of Ethnology, 2005. - p. 77-85 - Irregular - No. 67, (2005) - Senri Ethnological Studies ; no. 67 . - Japón. National Museum of Ethnology. .
Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resource. Part 2. Indigenous and Commercial Whaling.
Art¡culo en inglés.