Making a killing? :
Hooper, Steven.
Making a killing? : of sticks and stones and James Cook's 'bones'. - Londres-ENK : Royal Anthropological Institute, 2003. - p. 6-8 : il. - Bimestral - Vol. 19, no. 3(Jun. 2003) - Anthropology today ; Vol. 19, no. 3 . - Royal Anthropological Institute. .
Making a killing? : of sticks and stones and James Cook's 'bones'. - Londres-ENK : Royal Anthropological Institute, 2003. - p. 6-8 : il. - Bimestral - Vol. 19, no. 3(Jun. 2003) - Anthropology today ; Vol. 19, no. 3 . - Royal Anthropological Institute. .