Nanamu Suzuki.
Good living as a whole : anthropology of life design and well-being. - Osaka-JA : National Museum of Ethnology, 2009. - p. 1-3 : il. - Irregular - No. 29(Dec. 2009) - Minpaku anthropology newsletter ; No. 29 . - National Museum of Ethnology. .
En hemeroteca 2 ejemplares.
Good living as a whole : anthropology of life design and well-being. - Osaka-JA : National Museum of Ethnology, 2009. - p. 1-3 : il. - Irregular - No. 29(Dec. 2009) - Minpaku anthropology newsletter ; No. 29 . - National Museum of Ethnology. .
En hemeroteca 2 ejemplares.