Hiroyuki Sato.
Ethnoarchaeology of trap hunting among the Matagi and the Udehe, traditional hunting peoples living around the sea of Japan. - Osaka-JA : National Museum of Ethnology, 2009. - p. 25-46 : maps., il. - Irregular - No. 72(2009). - Senri Ethnological Studies ; No. 72 . - Japón. National Museum of Ethnology. .
Art¡culo en inglés.
Ethnoarchaeology of trap hunting among the Matagi and the Udehe, traditional hunting peoples living around the sea of Japan. - Osaka-JA : National Museum of Ethnology, 2009. - p. 25-46 : maps., il. - Irregular - No. 72(2009). - Senri Ethnological Studies ; No. 72 . - Japón. National Museum of Ethnology. .
Art¡culo en inglés.