Rural China in ruins :
Lora-Wainwrigth, Anna.
Rural China in ruins : the rush to urbanize China's countryside is opening a moral battleground. - Londres-ENK : Royal Anthropological Institute, 2012. - p. 8-13 : il. - Bimestral - Vol. 28, no. 4(Aug. 2012) - Anthropology today ; Vol. 28, no. 4 . - Royal Anthropological Institute. .
Rural China in ruins : the rush to urbanize China's countryside is opening a moral battleground. - Londres-ENK : Royal Anthropological Institute, 2012. - p. 8-13 : il. - Bimestral - Vol. 28, no. 4(Aug. 2012) - Anthropology today ; Vol. 28, no. 4 . - Royal Anthropological Institute. .