Roosevelt, Anna C.
The demise of the alaka initial ceramic phase has been greatly exaggerated response to d Williams. - Washington-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1997. - p. 353-364 - Trimestral - Vol. 62, no, 2 (Apr 1997) - American Antiquity ; vol. 62 no. 2 . - Washington. Society for American Archaeology. .
Artículo dentro de: Comments.
The demise of the alaka initial ceramic phase has been greatly exaggerated response to d Williams. - Washington-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1997. - p. 353-364 - Trimestral - Vol. 62, no, 2 (Apr 1997) - American Antiquity ; vol. 62 no. 2 . - Washington. Society for American Archaeology. .
Artículo dentro de: Comments.