Brownw, David M.
A cache of 48 nasca trophy heads from cerro carapo, Peru. - Washington, DC-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1993. - p.274-294 : il - trimestral - Vol.4, no.3(Sep.1993) - Latin American Antiquity ; vol.4,no.3 . - Estados Unidos. Society for American Archaeology. .
Articulo dentro de report.
A cache of 48 nasca trophy heads from cerro carapo, Peru. - Washington, DC-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1993. - p.274-294 : il - trimestral - Vol.4, no.3(Sep.1993) - Latin American Antiquity ; vol.4,no.3 . - Estados Unidos. Society for American Archaeology. .
Articulo dentro de report.