Zeidler, James A.
Integration of archaeological phase information ad radiocarbon results from the jama river valley, Ecuador : A bayesian approach. - Washington, DC-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1998. - p. 160-179 : il - trimestral - Vol.9, no.2(Jun.1998) - Latin American Antiquity ; vol.9, no.2 . - Estados Unidos. Society for American Archaeology. .
Articulo dentro de report.
Integration of archaeological phase information ad radiocarbon results from the jama river valley, Ecuador : A bayesian approach. - Washington, DC-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1998. - p. 160-179 : il - trimestral - Vol.9, no.2(Jun.1998) - Latin American Antiquity ; vol.9, no.2 . - Estados Unidos. Society for American Archaeology. .
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