Pereira, Grégory.
The utilization of grooved human bones : A reanalysis of artificially modified human bones excavated by carl lumholtz at zacapu, michoacán, Mexico. - Washington, DC-US : Society for American Archaeology, 2005. - p.293-312 : il - trimestral - Vol.16, no.3(Sep.2005) - Latin American Antiquity ; vol.16, no.3 . - Estados Unidos. Society for American Archaeology. .
The utilization of grooved human bones : A reanalysis of artificially modified human bones excavated by carl lumholtz at zacapu, michoacán, Mexico. - Washington, DC-US : Society for American Archaeology, 2005. - p.293-312 : il - trimestral - Vol.16, no.3(Sep.2005) - Latin American Antiquity ; vol.16, no.3 . - Estados Unidos. Society for American Archaeology. .