Knauft, Bruce M.
Agency, subordination, and change : a reply to Dwyer and Minnegal. - London-ENK : Royal Anthropological Institute, 2007. - p. 563-565 - Semestral - 13, no. 3(Sep. 2007) - Journal of the Roayal Anthropological Institute ; 13, no. 3 . - Reino Unido. Royal Anthropological Institute,. .
Agency, subordination, and change : a reply to Dwyer and Minnegal. - London-ENK : Royal Anthropological Institute, 2007. - p. 563-565 - Semestral - 13, no. 3(Sep. 2007) - Journal of the Roayal Anthropological Institute ; 13, no. 3 . - Reino Unido. Royal Anthropological Institute,. .