Gaining ethnological data in using audiovisual media on the Island of Nias.
Mittersakschmoller, Reinhold.
Gaining ethnological data in using audiovisual media on the Island of Nias. - Par¡s-FR : International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1992. - p. 30-31 - Irregular - Vol. 11, no. 10(1991-1992) - Review of ethnology ; Vol. 11, no. 10 .
Publicada por E. Styglmayr.
Gaining ethnological data in using audiovisual media on the Island of Nias. - Par¡s-FR : International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1992. - p. 30-31 - Irregular - Vol. 11, no. 10(1991-1992) - Review of ethnology ; Vol. 11, no. 10 .
Publicada por E. Styglmayr.