Weiss, Sarah.
Listening to the word but hearing ourselves : Hybridity and perceptions of authenticity in word music. - Bloomington-US : Society for ethnomusicology, 2014. - páginas 506-525 : Ilustraciones blanco y negro - Irregular - Vol.58, no.3 (2014) - Ethnomusicology.Journal of the society for ethnomusicology ; no.3 . - Society for ethnomusicology. .
Listening to the word but hearing ourselves : Hybridity and perceptions of authenticity in word music. - Bloomington-US : Society for ethnomusicology, 2014. - páginas 506-525 : Ilustraciones blanco y negro - Irregular - Vol.58, no.3 (2014) - Ethnomusicology.Journal of the society for ethnomusicology ; no.3 . - Society for ethnomusicology. .