LaBarre, Weston..
The Aymara Indians of the Lake Titicaca Plateau, Bolivia. - Estados Unidos : American Antropological Association, 1948. - 250 p. ; 29 cm. - Memoir ; 68 .
Contenido: The Country and the People -- Geography -- Climate -- Fauna -- Flora -- Fromer Distribution of the Aymara -- Early Relation with the Incas -- Historiacal Location -- The Spanish conquest -- the Aymara under the Republic -- Modern Location -- Demography -- Present Condition of the Aymara -- Temperament -- Physical Antropolohy -- Food Clothing Shelter and the Material Arts -- Food and its Preparation -- Drinks and Narcotics -- Coca -- Animal Husbandry -- Fishing -- Hunting -- Agriculture -- Clothing -- Houses -- Fire-making and Fuels -- Metallurgy -- Wooden Articles -- Pottery -- Tanning -- Basketry -- Balsa -- Textiles -- Musical Instruments -- Weapons -- Measures -- Social, Economic, and Political Organization -- Birth -- Childhood -- Marriage -- Death -- Social Organization -- Economic Organization -- Transportation and travel -- Political organization -- Law -- War -- Suicede -- Magic al Religion -- General concepts: PLace deities -- Gods and demons -- Rites and Worship -- Omens and Divination -- Dreams -- Amulets and Fetishes -- Agricultural magic -- Houses magic -- Dances and Fiestas -- Alasitas -- NAtive Knowledge or Folk Sciences -- Ethnometeorology -- Ethnohistory -- Ethnobotany -- Ethnoanatomy -- Ethnoanthropology -- Ethnopsychology -- Ethnoethnology -- Ethnogeography -- Medicine.
The Aymara Indians of the Lake Titicaca Plateau, Bolivia. - Estados Unidos : American Antropological Association, 1948. - 250 p. ; 29 cm. - Memoir ; 68 .
Contenido: The Country and the People -- Geography -- Climate -- Fauna -- Flora -- Fromer Distribution of the Aymara -- Early Relation with the Incas -- Historiacal Location -- The Spanish conquest -- the Aymara under the Republic -- Modern Location -- Demography -- Present Condition of the Aymara -- Temperament -- Physical Antropolohy -- Food Clothing Shelter and the Material Arts -- Food and its Preparation -- Drinks and Narcotics -- Coca -- Animal Husbandry -- Fishing -- Hunting -- Agriculture -- Clothing -- Houses -- Fire-making and Fuels -- Metallurgy -- Wooden Articles -- Pottery -- Tanning -- Basketry -- Balsa -- Textiles -- Musical Instruments -- Weapons -- Measures -- Social, Economic, and Political Organization -- Birth -- Childhood -- Marriage -- Death -- Social Organization -- Economic Organization -- Transportation and travel -- Political organization -- Law -- War -- Suicede -- Magic al Religion -- General concepts: PLace deities -- Gods and demons -- Rites and Worship -- Omens and Divination -- Dreams -- Amulets and Fetishes -- Agricultural magic -- Houses magic -- Dances and Fiestas -- Alasitas -- NAtive Knowledge or Folk Sciences -- Ethnometeorology -- Ethnohistory -- Ethnobotany -- Ethnoanatomy -- Ethnoanthropology -- Ethnopsychology -- Ethnoethnology -- Ethnogeography -- Medicine.