Land Tenure Center Newletter ; no. 56 - Madison-U S : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1977. - p. 2-32 - Irregular - No. 5 (Apr. / Jun. 1977) - Land Tenure Center Newletter ; no. 56 0084-0785 . - Estados Unidos. Univesity of Wisconsin - Madison. .

Contiene: Opening Session; The possibilitles of this occasion; Agrarian Reform in México: México. Marginal Benefits of Further Reform, Problems of Paternalism, Employment in the Private Sector, Income Disparities, Agriculture's Role, Trade Barriers, Three Concurrent Sessions: Japan, Korea, Malaysia. Japan: Japan as a Model, Literacy, Education, and Culture, Part - Time Farming and Second Generation Problems; Session B: The Role of land reform in the development of Korea: Korea. Mechanization, Voluntary Sales; Session C: Agricultural Development Without land Reform: Malaysia. Economic Visbility of Land Settlement Schemes, Organization of Labor and Management, Long - Run Socio - Economic Implications: Session A. Land Reform and Rural Development in India: The Dynamic of Reform and Rural Change. Diversity, The Resilience of Rural Elites, A Basis for Optimism, Responsiveness of Small Holders, Off - Farm Employment, Indebtedness, Grassroots vs. Top-Down Strategies, The Kerala Experience, An Historical Perspective: Kings and Communists, Second Generations Problems in Kerala, Land Reform as a Cul de Sac, Group Farming as a Way Out, The Problem of Lendlessness; Session B: Land Reform and Rural Development in the middle east, A Conceptual Framework, People Without Land, Carrying Out Land Reform, Establishing Viable Systems; Session C: Land Tenure and the Modernization of Traditional Agriculture: Summary of Discusion; Rural Development in China Through Communes: China. Ideology and Production, Priorities, Participation and Social Control, Specialization and Elitism; An evening of land tenure center films: Chile and Bolivia: General Session: The Role of land Reform in Rural Development, The Family farm in the Midwest U.S.A, The United States of America, Farm Finances, Future Problems, Philosophy of the Family Farm, Education, The Corporate Challenge, Agri - Business, Mechanization; Field day in the Watertown Community.

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