Facio, Alda
Another justice as Seen Through the eyes of Gender. Alda Facio - Bogotá-CK: Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos, 2002. - páginas 51-69. - Semestral - vol. 9 (25) (Jun. 2002) - Mas allá del derecho. Beyond Law. . - Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos. .
This article aims to further the rethinking of law from a gender perspective. Drawing on feminist, sociolegal and social movement theories, it examines different fields of law and legal practice that call for a new understanding of gender issues. With regards to Latina AMerica, the article proposes the creation of a new field of law and progressive legal practice already in place in other parts of the world. Women´s Law which could well be the seed that produces a new justice in the region: a justice with a gender perspective and, thereby, inclusive of the needs and interests of indigenous people, migrants, and groups otherwise excluded because of their race, class, disability, age, and sexual option.
Another justice as Seen Through the eyes of Gender. Alda Facio - Bogotá-CK: Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos, 2002. - páginas 51-69. - Semestral - vol. 9 (25) (Jun. 2002) - Mas allá del derecho. Beyond Law. . - Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos. .
This article aims to further the rethinking of law from a gender perspective. Drawing on feminist, sociolegal and social movement theories, it examines different fields of law and legal practice that call for a new understanding of gender issues. With regards to Latina AMerica, the article proposes the creation of a new field of law and progressive legal practice already in place in other parts of the world. Women´s Law which could well be the seed that produces a new justice in the region: a justice with a gender perspective and, thereby, inclusive of the needs and interests of indigenous people, migrants, and groups otherwise excluded because of their race, class, disability, age, and sexual option.