Listening to North Indian Classical Music: How Embodied ways of listening perform imagined histories and Social Class.
Alaghband-Zadeh, Chloë
Listening to North Indian Classical Music: How Embodied ways of listening perform imagined histories and Social Class. Chloë Alaghband Zadeh - Illinois-XXU : University of Illinois Press, 2017. - páginas 207-233: ilustraciones en blanco y negro. - Tres veces al año - vol. 61, no. 2 (sum. 2017) - Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology ; no. 2 . - Estados Unidos. Society for Ethnomusicology. .
With this article, I theorize the sociality of embodied ways of listen- ing to North Indian classical music. I focus on rasikas (connoisseurs): these expert listeners are conspicuous at live performances, where they gesture and comment to express their enjoyment of the music. Based on ethnography and interviews with musicians and music lovers in Delhi, Mumbai, and Pune, I argue that rasikas' embodied, audible listening practices enact shared imagined histories and perform expertise and social status. Moreover, these listening behaviors also sustain values of the so-called old middle class in India in the face of economic and social change.
Listening to North Indian Classical Music: How Embodied ways of listening perform imagined histories and Social Class. Chloë Alaghband Zadeh - Illinois-XXU : University of Illinois Press, 2017. - páginas 207-233: ilustraciones en blanco y negro. - Tres veces al año - vol. 61, no. 2 (sum. 2017) - Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology ; no. 2 . - Estados Unidos. Society for Ethnomusicology. .
With this article, I theorize the sociality of embodied ways of listen- ing to North Indian classical music. I focus on rasikas (connoisseurs): these expert listeners are conspicuous at live performances, where they gesture and comment to express their enjoyment of the music. Based on ethnography and interviews with musicians and music lovers in Delhi, Mumbai, and Pune, I argue that rasikas' embodied, audible listening practices enact shared imagined histories and perform expertise and social status. Moreover, these listening behaviors also sustain values of the so-called old middle class in India in the face of economic and social change.