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The Bolivian aymara.

Por: Colaborador(es): Idioma: Español Detalles de publicación: s.l. - US Stanford University 1971Descripción: 114 p. ilus., mapsTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 306.084 21
Resumen: Contiene: History - Economic Organization - The agrarian reform - Pre reform agricultural cycle - The role of migrants in the community - The fiesta a system - The fiesta Pattern - Children and adolescent fiestas - Sex and deatb symbolism in Todos Santos and the Asuti - Religión - The social origin of aymar thought - Principles of aymara folk taxonomy - Sacrifice, exchange and mediation.Existencias: 2
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Libros Libros Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore Monografía B/306.084/B928b Prestado a MIRIAM LIMA SOTO (3458150) 19/05/2024 BIBMON000651
Libros Libros Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore Monografía B/306.084/B928b Disponible BIBMON000652

En Biblioteca 2 ejemplares

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Contiene: History - Economic Organization - The agrarian reform - Pre reform agricultural cycle - The role of migrants in the community - The fiesta a system - The fiesta Pattern - Children and adolescent fiestas - Sex and deatb symbolism in Todos Santos and the Asuti - Religión - The social origin of aymar thought - Principles of aymara folk taxonomy - Sacrifice, exchange and mediation.


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