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Handbook of South American Indians: The comparative ethnology of South American Indians.

Por: Idioma: Español Series Bulletin ; , n. 143Detalles de publicación: Nueva York - US Cooper square 1963Descripción: xviii; 818 p. ilus, maps., tblsTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 305.88 21
Resumen: Contiene: A CROSS-CULTURAL SURVEY OF SOUTH AMERICAN INDIANS TRIBES. Architecture and engineering. Habitations; Household furniture; Religious structures; Engineering (Wendell C. Bennett) - Manufactures and technology. Bark cloth (Alfred Métraux) - Basketry; Weaving (Lila M. O´Neale) - Ceramics ( Gordon R. Willey) - Metallurgy (William C. Root) - Rubber; Weapons (Alfred Metraux) - Traps; Fire making (John M. Cooper) - Fish poisons (Robert F. Heizer) - The social and political organization of the Andean peoples (Paul Kirchhoff) - Social and political organization of the tropical forest and marginal tribes; Property among the tropical forest and marginal tribes (Robert H. Lowie) - The couvade; Boys' initiation rites (Alfred Metraux) - Warfare, cannibalism, and human trophies (Alfred Métraux) - Esthetic and recreational activities. Art (A.L. Kroeber) - Petroglyphs (Irving Rouse) - Games and gambling; Stimulants and narcotics (John M. Cooper) - Religion and shamanism (Alfred Métraux) - Lore learning. Numbers, measures, weights, and calendars; mnemonic and recording devices (Wendell C. Bennett) - Medical practices (Erwin H. Ackerknecht) - Jesuit missions in South America (Alfred Metraux) - The native population of South America; South american cultures: an interpretative summary (Julian H. Steward) - Includes: glossary about ceramics, basketry, weaving, metallurgy, social and religious terms.Existencias: 2
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Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Colección Signatura topográfica Estado Código de barras
Libros Libros Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore Monografía REF/305.88/S849h/V.5 Disponible BIBMON005081
Libros Libros Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore Monografía REF/305.88/S849h/V.5 Disponible BIBMON005100

En biblioteca 2 ejemplares; Incl. Glosario y Bibliografia

Contiene: A CROSS-CULTURAL SURVEY OF SOUTH AMERICAN INDIANS TRIBES. Architecture and engineering. Habitations; Household furniture; Religious structures; Engineering (Wendell C. Bennett) - Manufactures and technology. Bark cloth (Alfred Métraux) - Basketry; Weaving (Lila M. O´Neale) - Ceramics ( Gordon R. Willey) - Metallurgy (William C. Root) - Rubber; Weapons (Alfred Metraux) - Traps; Fire making (John M. Cooper) - Fish poisons (Robert F. Heizer) - The social and political organization of the Andean peoples (Paul Kirchhoff) - Social and political organization of the tropical forest and marginal tribes; Property among the tropical forest and marginal tribes (Robert H. Lowie) - The couvade; Boys' initiation rites (Alfred Metraux) - Warfare, cannibalism, and human trophies (Alfred Métraux) - Esthetic and recreational activities. Art (A.L. Kroeber) - Petroglyphs (Irving Rouse) - Games and gambling; Stimulants and narcotics (John M. Cooper) - Religion and shamanism (Alfred Métraux) - Lore learning. Numbers, measures, weights, and calendars; mnemonic and recording devices (Wendell C. Bennett) - Medical practices (Erwin H. Ackerknecht) - Jesuit missions in South America (Alfred Metraux) - The native population of South America; South american cultures: an interpretative summary (Julian H. Steward) - Includes: glossary about ceramics, basketry, weaving, metallurgy, social and religious terms.


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