Hirschman, Albert O.
The political economy of Latin American development : Seven Exercises in Retrospection.
- New México-U.S : University of New México, 1987.
- p. 7-36
- Irregular
- Vol. XXII no. 3 (1987)
- Latin American Research Review ; vol. 8 no. 1 0023-8791 .
- Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh. .
Contiene: I. Les trente clorieuses in Latin América?; II. Industrialization and deindustralization in Argentina and Chile; III. Desubstitution of imports and a curious convergence in México; IV. Forced-March Industrialization in Brazil; V. From import-substituion to import-preemption: The Brazilian computer industry (Or, Breaking the shackles of the produ to cycle); VI. The "Heterodox shock" Therapy for fighting inflation in Argentina and Brazil; VII. Final observations on ideology and debt.