Fifth National Meeting Panel Coordinator Reports.
- Florida-U.S : LASA, 1975.
- p. 18-30
- Irregular
- Vol. VI no. 1 (1975)
- Latin American Studies Association ; vol. VI no. 1 .
- Florida. Latin American Studies Association. .
Artículo dentro de: The Association.
Contiene: Panel 1: Selected Topies in Latin American Studies, Panel 3: Bilingualism and Biculturalism in the United States, Panel 4: Growth or Development?, Panel 5: The Depiction of Latin American Totalitarian Régimes and Their Consequences in Literature, Panel 7: Chile: The Allende Régime and Its Overthrow, Panel 8: The Caribbean, Panel 9: Peasants and Modernization, Panel 11: Power and Piety: The Political Dimension of Religion in Latin Amercia, Panel 12. Labor and Dependency, Panel 13: Venezuela: Is Democracy Institutionalized?