Caro, Deborah A..

Complementary strategies of barter, market exchange and production among alpaca merders in southern Perú. Program in Atlantic History and Culture - Baltimore : Universidad de Johns Hopkins, 1979. - 41 p. ; 32 cm.

Documento mecanografiado.

Contenido: The setting: chichillapi -- Access to non-pastoral products -- Trukasiña: a system of standard equivalences -- Case 1: trip to the coast for fruit -- Case 2: trip to lake Titicaca for potatoes -- Case 3: The sale of a llama for cash -- Case 4: A record player for a llama -- Glossary -- Units of measure -- Table of market prices -- Notes.

Economic anthropologists working in the Andes continue to debate over the power of the market to transfers reciprocal barter relations between pastoralists and agriculturalists in different ecological zones. Two recent studies of southern Perú agrue that the development of a wool export market, beginning in the late nineteenth century, transformed social and economic relations within the region.


