Hanford Arundale, Wendy

Radiocarbon dating in eastern arctic archaeology: A flexible Arundale. Wendy Hanford Arundale - Estados Unidos-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1981. - páginas 244-271: ilustraciones blanco y negro. - Trimestral - vol.46; n.2 (Apr. 1981) - American Antiquity. Journal of the Society for American Archaeology ; no.2 . - Soociety for American Archaeology. .

Radiocarbon dates from marine mammal tissue oresent Arctic archaeologists with some difficult interpretive problems. These problems are so serious that McGhee and Tuck have even advocated omitting all sea mammal dates from the Eastern Arctic radiocarbon chronology. A flexible approach to interpreting sea mammal dates will allow researchers to use existing dates more effectively and to make future date more reliable.