De Barros, Philip L. F.

The effects of variable site occupation span on the results of frequency seriation. Philip L.F. de Barros - Estados Unidos-US : Society for American Archaeology, 1982. - páginas 291-315: ilustraciones en blanco y negro. - Trimestral - vol.47; n.1 (Apr.1982) - no.2 . - Soociety for American Archaeology. .

It is argued here that the effects of variable site occupation span on frequency seriation have not yet been clearly elucidated. The necessary clarification is provided by graphic models used to generate simulated data which are then seriated. After an anlysis of the seriation results, it is concluded that site duration variability poses a more serious problem for frequency seriations than was once thought. Possible solutions are then discussed. It is shown that no solution is in the offing for typological seriations, although it is possible to estimate the magnitude of the errors produced. Sometihing approaching a solution does exist, however, for attribute microseriations.