The unbearable weight of music. The intermezzo.
Steven M. Friedson
- Singapore-SI : Anthropology Today , 2019.
- páginas 11-15: ilustraciones a colores.
- Bimensual
- vol. 35, no.5 (Oct. 2019)
- At anthropology today ; no. 5 .
- At anthropology today. .
Somewhere on the plains of Africa - roughly 1,000,000 years ago according to Gary Tomlinson's (2015) extremely long history of music - our hominin ancestors began to synchronize muscles and minds, to entrain bodies and souls, to keep time together. Within this proto-human capacity for keeping time, the beginnings of musical experience were taking shape, and, within this making of music, perhaps the very terms of ritual and social exist- ence, of being-with-others.