In vino veritas? Indigenous wine and indigenization in israeli settlements.
Ian Mcgonigle
- Singapore-SI : Anthropology Today , 2019.
- páginas 7-12: ilustraciones a colores.
- vol. 35, no.4 (Aug.2019)
- At anthropology today ; no. 4 .
- At anthropology today. .
Tura Winery lies in the disputed West Bank area between the Palestinian cities of Nablus and Ramallah in the small hilltop settlement of Rechelim. Although Tura has won over 40 awards at international wine competitions, the winemakers face serious challenges. 'We've lost a lot of friends over the years... We've had three explosions in the vineyard', Vered Ben Sa'adon, co-owner of Tura, tells me in an interview. It is not the pursuit of wine awards that underpins Vered and her husband Erez's perseverance in this tumultuous territory. Rather: 'Bonding to the land is our purpose', she tells me. For Vered and Erez, win- emaking is a way of rooting their community into the soil of biblical Israel.