TY - GEN AU - Gravelle Lecount,Cynthia TI - Andean folk knitting: traditions and techniques from Perú and Bolivia U1 - 746.4 21 PY - 1990/// CY - Saint Paul, Minesota - US PB - Fiber arts KW - TEXTILES KW - TEJIDO CON AGUJAS KW - CH'ULLUS KW - INDUMENTARIA TRADICIONAL KW - INDUMENTARIA MASCULINA KW - INDUMENTARIA FEMENINA KW - INDUMENTARIA INFANTIL KW - AMARA KW - FIBRAS ANIMALES KW - QUECHUA KW - CHIPAYA KW - FIESTAS TRADICIONALES KW - GORROS KW - TECNICAS TEXTILES KW - FIBRAS SINTETICAS KW - COMERCIALIZACION KW - COMERCIO KW - PERU KW - BOLIVIA KW - PE: HUANCAVELICA KW - PE: CUSCO KW - BO: CHU: YAMPARAEZ: TARABUCO KW - BO: PTS KW - BO: CHU KW - BO: ORU KW - ARTES N1 - Obra escrita en idioma Inglés N2 - Contiene: The research and fieldwork for this book covers Peru and Bolivia, two countries in the central Andes which are especially rich in knitted textiles. The author decided to research only the knitted folk art, which she defined as traditional items knit by the indigenous and mestizo people for their own use, regardless of the materials used. These knit costume elements play an important role in daily life and form a significant part of the cultural heritage. As such, they constitute true folk art. CHAPTER 1 and 2 An outline of the historic and cultural setting of the knitted folk art is described in this chapter to show the interrelationship between Andean society, and textile use and production. Because the knitted hats worn today perpetuate the ancient custom of regional headgear - CHAPTER 3 describes the various styles of pre-Hispanic headgear, as well as contemporary knitted accessories - CHAPTER 4 discusses knitting customs - CHAPTER 5 analyses color and design use and details regional design characteristics - CHAPTER 6 describes the fibers - CHAPTER 7 gives an explanation of the knitting construction methods ER -