From Mambo to Hip Hop : A Bronx Tale. Directed by Henry Chalftan; produced by Elena Mart¡nez and Steven Zeitlin; written by Henry Chalfant, Steven Zeitlin, Elena Mart¡nez, Roberta Singer, and Bobby Sanabria; DVD, 56 minutes, 2008. Distributed by MVD Entertainment Group, PO Box 280, Oaks, PA 19456; (800) 888-0486; http://www.mvdb2b.com. por Flores, Juan. Series Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology ; no. 1Origen: Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for EthnomusicologyTipo de material: Recurso continuo Detalles de publicación: Illinois-XXU : University of Illinois Press, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :
Electric Folk : The Changing Face of English Traditional Music. Britta Sweers. 2005. New York: Oxford University Press. viii, 333 pp., black and white photographs, musical examples, discography, references, source credits, index. Paper, por Neff, Eoghan. Series Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology ; no. 2Origen: Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for EthnomusicologyTipo de material: Recurso continuo Detalles de publicación: Illinois-XXU : University of Illinois Press, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :
Holy Brotherhood : Romani Music in a Hungarian Pentecostal Church. Barbara Rose Lange. 2003. Oxford: Oxford University Press. xiii, 205 pp., Photographs, map, music examples, glossary, notes, references, bibliography, index. Cloth, L. 43.00. por Kertesz-Wilkinson, Iren. Series Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology ; no. 2Origen: Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for EthnomusicologyTipo de material: Recurso continuo Detalles de publicación: Illinois-XXU : University of Illinois Press, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :
Balkan Popular Culture and the Ottoman Ecumence : Music, Image and Regional Political Discourse. Donna A. Buchanan, editor. 2007. Lanham: The Scarecrow Press. Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities Series, No. 6. xxvii, 472 pp., figures, tables, musical examples, endnotes, bibliography, discography, filmography, index. Accompanying CD-ROM with plates, sound recordings, and video recordings. Cloth, por Markoff, Irene. Series Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology ; no. 2Origen: Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for EthnomusicologyTipo de material: Recurso continuo Detalles de publicación: Illinois-XXU : University of Illinois Press, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :
Music in Egypt : Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture. Scott L. Marcus. 2007. Oxford University Press. xxiv, 200 pp., black and white photographs, musical examples, glossary, bibliography, references, index. Accompanying CD. Paper, por Castelo-Branco, Salwa. Series Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology ; no. 2Origen: Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for EthnomusicologyTipo de material: Recurso continuo Detalles de publicación: Illinois-XXU : University of Illinois Press, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :
Plucking the Winds : Lives of Village Musicians in Old and New China. Stephen Jones. 2004. Leidden: CHIME Foundation, CHIME Studies in East Asian Music, Vol. 2. ix, 425 pp., map, photos, illustrations, genealogy, appendices, musical examples, notes, bibliography. Accompaying CD. Paper, _39.00. por DuJunco, Mercedes M. Series Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology ; no. 2Origen: Ethnomusicology. Journal of the Society for EthnomusicologyTipo de material: Recurso continuo Detalles de publicación: Illinois-XXU : University of Illinois Press, 2009Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles :