Beer G. d., . (1992). Johnson, Julie Greer. The Book in the Americas: The Role of Books and Printing in the Development of Culture and Society in Colonial Latin America. New York-XXU: City University of New York.
Beer Gabriella de, . 1992. Johnson, Julie Greer. The Book in the Americas: The Role of Books and Printing in the Development of Culture and Society in Colonial Latin America. New York-XXU: City University of New York.
Beer G. d., . (1992). Johnson, Julie Greer. The Book in the Americas: The Role of Books and Printing in the Development of Culture and Society in Colonial Latin America. New York-XXU: City University of New York.
Beer Gabriella de, . Johnson, Julie Greer. The Book in the Americas: The Role of Books and Printing in the Development of Culture and Society in Colonial Latin America. New York-XXU: City University of New York. 1992.