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Education and the New America.

Por: Colaborador(es): Idioma: Español Detalles de publicación: New York - US Vitage Books 1962Descripción: 402 pTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 370.98 21
Resumen: Contiene: The reality and the promise - Introduction: education and the problem of commitment in contemporary American life - Education and the transformation of America - América: The promied land - The immediate past: midwest agrarianism of the midwest - Progresive education: Thetransition from agrarian to industrial America - Metropolis in time and space - Valuing in contemporary America: A family centered perspective - Science and self-fulfillment - The Corporate society - Education and commitment - The nature of commitment: a comparative approach - The sympols of commiment and institutional life - The elements of commiment and sense of self - Education for commitment - Moral commitment and the individual.Existencias: 1
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Contiene: The reality and the promise - Introduction: education and the problem of commitment in contemporary American life - Education and the transformation of America - América: The promied land - The immediate past: midwest agrarianism of the midwest - Progresive education: Thetransition from agrarian to industrial America - Metropolis in time and space - Valuing in contemporary America: A family centered perspective - Science and self-fulfillment - The Corporate society - Education and commitment - The nature of commitment: a comparative approach - The sympols of commiment and institutional life - The elements of commiment and sense of self - Education for commitment - Moral commitment and the individual.


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